Saturday, August 1, 2009

From Abazu...

You gotta feel for my boy, he just sent this via facebook. JESUS I'm glad I got out for the summer:

You know you've spent your summer in Fresno when:

Your university tuition rates increase by 30% within a few weeks

The university raises your tuition then eliminates your student job! (how the hell im supposed to pay for this ish)

The president of the university says the budget gap is around 19 million dollars, and you realize thats near the same amount they've paid in ridiculous sexual harassment lawsuits in the past few years. But noone questions this, and this dumbass president is still in office.

Forget daytime comedies all you need to do is read the Crime Alerts, Fresno Bee, and watch the local news for comic relief

Days of triple degree weather become a norm for you, you get excited for a 90 degree day, and locals comment by saying "well at least its dry heat!" but you know thats some bullshit valley term

You contemplate deep depression, but realize that the "dry heat" wont allow you to display too many emotions

On these 112 degree days..your roommate turns the AC to 80 freakin want to yell and scream, but realize he just wont (and never will) get it...

The UV index is listed as 11 on a scale from 1-10 in the newspaper daily..and you wonder how can that be

You are soo happy when you can visit others cities in California, but once there you find yourself telling others how much Fresno sucks the whole time..and so that kind of ruins the vacation

When you see Dog Days (student orientation) students rooming around campus you're tempted to run up to them and say "run, leave, go far far away, and never come back! but you chicken out each time

You think its funny they posts soo many "crime alerts" while Dog Days is in session and question your roomates gf (a dog days adviser)..but she says that the students/parents never comment about them..and then you realize that the comment "..Well, this is Fresno" you heard a long time ago rings true

There are literally multiple crime alerts each week, including a guy who grabbed a girl's but, then ran (not a crime) and a guy who chased a girl on campus while masturbating (true story) and of course random killings around campus (but they dont phase you anymore)

You grin when you see posters that read "Fresno State, Pride of Valley" and "All American City" cause of know they are inaccurate in so many different ways

You set up dates to go to "club" library because it becomes your place of fun

You dread weekends, because you have even LESS things to do

You think you are mentally and physically imprisoned..and like an inmate only thoughts of friends, family, and your former life keep you sane

People ask why you are here for the summer. You respond by saying you have a job and rent to pay..and they respond "sooo..why are you here this summer?"

You can count the number of times you've been out of the house and had some fun

and There's so much more! anyways see you in a few weeks bro!

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