Wednesday, April 15, 2009

# Police: Man stabs beagle, claims self-defense 11:27 am Wed

"Them's fangs! She's goin' the way of Old Yeller."

"Officers determined the beagle merely wanted to be held."

Love it!

Okay, enough Bee. And no, I won't be attending the Tea party. Work I didn't know existed came up (really I shouldn't even be updating this, but that's commitment baby!)

Valleysportspulse, I love ya, but it's gettin' a little TOO local. There's a story today about the Fresno City College baseball coach and about four more about high school baseball... c'mon George, why don't you just write about the pick-up baseball game your kid played in the back yard yesterday! Remember the controversy over who tagged third base (A.K.A. "a tree") first? What about the dispute over whether Mom yelling "dinner's ready" constituted an interruption in play? Then again, maybe people really do care about NAIA baseball... it's Fresno after all. gets updated less than Fresnomore, yay!... except that means there's nothing to comment on there either...

And lastly, the Fresno Beehive is covering where you can get cheap food today and has a review of Amerian idol.

I don't mean to be so critical of other web sites... they're all certainly better than this one. And I would love, really LOVE to generate some original content, but I have no life out here.

It didn't used to be be like this!!!

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You call these grapes?