Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Olde Fresno Dust Bowl Revolution of 2009

In today's news, we have an impending dust storm... Really?

What's next, swarms of locusts eating the crops? I mean, I read about these things in text books and stuff when I was a kid, but this still happens here? Apparently my mental image was a little off, as a huge cloud of dust never engulfed my house. But jeez, isn't the air here bad enough already?

And, as if the economy here isn't bad enough already, the city is putting a new plan before Obama and the Govanaata. They couldn't get the coveted "economic disaster area" label based on unemployment rates, so now they're taking the drought angle. And they didn't even throw in the dust bowl part. Come on guys, use it or lose it!

They should too, the dust bowl thing that is. Obama got desperate enough to not come here that he went on the freaking Leno show. Just tell him it's a dust bowl. He probably won't even look into it and we'll get some extra stimulus money! (I mean ish, if you told me ANYTHING happened here I'd be inclined to believe you.)

With any luck, I'll be able to attend Fresno's tea party tomorrow and report on it, maybe even confiscate some of the tea for my fridge! But this is Fresno, so I probably won't have any luck.

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You call these grapes?