Friday, August 21, 2009

Health Care Reform

This issue is certainly not unique to Fresno, but at the same time it isn't something I'm disinclined to ramble about.

These "town hall meetings" are fascinating -- completely transparent -- but fascinating nonetheless. I haven't followed politics as closely in the last few months, and I have kept wondering, "Why are people so fired up about health care?"

They're storming buildings and shouting and making all kinds of noise, because they don't want health care reform?? The whispers around the country are that the meetings are no more than a thinly-veiled outlet for overt racism directed at Obama. I'd love to say I think more of people in general, but I don't.

A pic from last night's Clovis rally:

"Hey look, an old white man pointing to show his penis, I mean, authority, to a room full of a bunch of other old white people."

The writer of the Bee article is clearly disgusted by the spectacle and it shows in the writing. Technically this is a bad thing, but I don't mind.

This gem shows perfectly how Republicans are so annoying:

While one person used the nation's infant mortality rate -- which is higher than that of some countries with socialized medicine -- to show Obama's proposed reform is needed, another worried about how the reform proposal could lead to government intrusion into personal lives.

So, while one person used evidence to back up their point, the other used the slippery slope to not only undermine the cause (without cause), but to move the discussion away from health care reform completely.

They do it every time! The slippery slope and then the other thing, where they come up with some sort of nightmare scenario which has nothing to do with the issue at hand. In this case it's the thing about how they want you to discuss your end of life plans with the government.

The cable guy just came and I lost my train of thought. Anyway, Democrats should take to not playing by the rules. I'm tired of seeing them get screwed because they don't cheat.

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You call these grapes?